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Showing posts with label realtors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label realtors. Show all posts

February 27, 2012

January 2012 Home Sales - New vs. Existing

Hi Folks,
   Welcome Back !

   In a report this week from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (The "HUD"), sales of new single-family homes from December to January were down almost 1% (3.5% above January 2011), and during the same period of time, Existing Home Sales were up 4.3%, which marked 3 gains in the past 4 months, per the National Association of Realtors (or, "NAR").

   Lawrence Yun, NAR chief economist, attributed the strong gains in recent contract activity to buyers that are responding to "very favorable market conditions". Yun said that the "uptrend in home sales is in line with all of the underlying fundamentals", and Yun names a few of them, such as "pent-up household formation, record-low mortgage interest rates, bargain home prices, sustained job creation and rising rents.”

   Taking a deeper look at the figures for Existing-home sales, the West jumped 8.8% during the short term, and Distressed homes, which includes "foreclosures and short sales which sell at deep discounts", were at 35% in January, up from 32% in December.

   A conversation on Housing would be incomplete without discussing inventory. According to the NAR, inventories continued to improve, and more specifically, total unsold listed inventory has trended down from a 2007 record, and is down a 20.6% below a year ago. (NRS) The report just released for the New Residential Sales, the HUD listed a supply of 5.6 months at the current sales rate.

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Have a Great Week, and Happy Rent-to-Owning !
Rob Eisenstein
HomeRun Homes Blog: http://blogging.lease2buy.com
HomeRun Homes Websites: http://www.lease2buy.com and http://www.homerunhomes.com

TAGS: #HUD #NAR #singlefamilyhouses #Realtors #householdformation #mortgageinterestrates #homeprices #risingrents #residentialsales #inventories #existinghomesales

January 20, 2012

Good Ones Up, Bad Ones Down, Thumbs Up

Hi Folks,
   Hope you've stayed warm this mid-January week.

   Some important numbers were released this week, which we like to condense for you, since we know it's hard for you to read through all of the Economic Indicator Press Releases and funky jargon that some of them contain.

   For starters, some good indicators were up. The release of New Residential Construction figures for December showed us that both Single-family housing starts in December were 4.4% above November, and also that Privately-owned housing completions in December were up 9.2% above November. Additionally, the National Association of Realtors, or NAR, released their figures on Existing Home Sales for December, which were up for a third consecutive month, at 5.0% above November (Nationwide). Regionally, the biggest gainer in Existing Homes Sales was the Northeast, where the figures jumped 10.7% from November. These very positive increases led to a statement from NAR chief economist Lawrence Yun, who said that we might be seeing signs of a sustained recovery.

   Excess Housing inventory is not good...it's Bad. Why? Simple Supply and Demand Economics...more homes means lower prices. That being said, the NAR release also pointed to a 9.2% drop (less inventory), putting the available inventory at the lowest level since March 2005.

   These figures do not represent the entire puzzle, as there are still many areas still struggling, and additionally, other important figures will be released next week (Pending Home Sales Index, FHFA Monthly House Price Index, and New Residential Sales). Stay tuned for details.

   Thoughts and Opinions are always welcome...

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Have a Great Week, and Happy Rent-to-Owning !
Rob Eisenstein
HomeRun Homes Blog: http://blogging.lease2buy.com
HomeRun Homes Websites: http://www.lease2buy.com and http://www.homerunhomes.com

TAGS: #NewResidentialConstruction #Singlefamily #housingstarts #housingcompletions #Realtors #NAR #ExistingHomeSales #recovery #Housinginventory #ResidentialSales

October 31, 2011

Is Owner Financing In Jeopardy?

Hi Everyone,
   Happy Halloween. Yes, today I turned 40...black cat is out of the bag. To stave off any possible jokes; NO, I was not born with a mask on!

   One thing that does frighten Real Estate Investors, however, is the fact that there is a new Government Act that jeopardizes the Owner Financing Investment vehicle. Taking a step back, Owner Financing is exactly what it sounds like; the owner of the property (or another company such as an "Escrow Company"), handles the payments, which is referred to as "servicing" the payments. Dolores Demers, the president of the Las Cruces Association of Realtors (and works with Re/Max), says that, "Owner financing has worked well for generations in this country", and that it has been a great option for, "innumerable buyers who are capable of making regular payments on an amortized loan, but who don't qualify for traditional mortgage loan products". However, as DeMers writes in her article, "Real Estate View: Dodd-Frank Act puts owner financing at risk", for the Sun-News, "parts of the Dodd-Frank Act will severely restrict owner financing and will do harm to buyers and sellers"

DeMers points out a few highlights from the Dodd-Frank Act that will raise eyebrows:

* The seller cannot be the builder of the home being financed.
DeMers ask the following question: "Why would the government want to restrict a builder from selling his own product" on terms that are "satisfactory to the buyer"?

* The loan must amortize fully with no balloon mortgage allowed.
DeMers says that most sellers offering owner financing are "older than 50", and asks rhetorically, "How many are going to outlive a 30-year note?". There must be a short term balloon in case the seller wants to sell to another party (and not have to "steeply discount the note".

* Buyer has three years to rescind the sale. The seller must document the buyer's ability to pay using underwriting requirements consistent with the Truth in Lending Act.
"If the seller makes even one small error, the buyer has up to three years to rescind the sale and demand back all the money that has been paid to the seller", says DeMers, regardless of "the benefit the buyer has gotten from the use of the property during the time he had it". This is, in no uncertain terms, "Not Fair".

* Only buyers who are already eligible for conventional financing will be able to use seller financing. The seller must determine in good faith the buyer's ability to repay the loan.
Wait...isn't Owner Financing supposed to help those who cannot pass the "underwriting scrutiny of the Truth in Lending act". As DeMers says, "The buyers who need the helping hand of owner financing won't be eligible."

* Seller limited to three installment sales per year. A seller must become a licensed mortgage loan officer if more than three properties are sold in a year using owner financing.
DeMers says that there are many people in her state of New Mexico that have, "helped the people in their communities get started on the path of home ownership through owner financing", and asks what difference does it make "how many properties are offered as installment sales in a year as long as the seller has determined each buyer has a reasonable ability to repay the loan?". Very good point.

   The summary of this is that DeMers is trying to stir some action against this "sweeping rule change", and we agree. These alternate means of buying (or selling) a home are what gives people hope and a chance to move forward. She adds that the "Dodd-Frank Act treats owner financing as if it were predatory lending", which it is not. She also recommends that you contact your elected officials to protest the Act. I agree. Good point. Stand up and be counted !

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Have a Great Weekend, and Happy Rent-to-Owning !
Rob Eisenstein
HomeRun Homes Blog: http://blogging.lease2buy.com
HomeRun Homes Websites: http://www.lease2buy.com and http://www.homerunhomes.com

TAGS: #OwnerFinance #Financing #realestateinvestors #DoddFrankAct #balloonmortgage #TruthinLendingAct #Escrow #Realtors #installmentsales #Halloween

October 27, 2011

How Can a Seller Keep a Buyer Interested in their Home?

Hi Everyone,

   Hope you are all ready for the Halloween weekend, and may your baskets get filled with Treats, but no Tricks !

   The National Association of Realtors® (NAR) released their numbers for the September "Pending Home Sales" Index. The figures came in 4.6% below the previous month, and according to the NAR chief economist, Lawrence Yun, the housing market is being excessively constrained, and he pointed to “A combination of weak consumer confidence and continuing tight lending criteria held back home buyers...". This makes me wonder...If you are selling a home, what can you do to avoid losing buyers, and to convert your own pending home sale into a sale?

   "In today’s down economy, sellers simply cannot afford to neglect anything that makes their home less attractive", writes Vera Chinese for the TimesReview.com Website, in an article titled, "Pay attention to buyer turnoffs in your home".

   Kristen Rishe from North Fork Real Estate Inc. reminds sellers "to be anywhere but home when potential buyers come to look", since this might make the buyers feel hurried and hesitant. On the material side of the same point, Tom McCarthy of Thomas J. McCarthy Real Estate Inc. in Southold suggests that buyers "get rid of all their junk and clutter before putting their homes on the market", since you want the buyers "imagining themselves" in the home (difficult if it is filled with "the current owner’s belongings"). McCarthy admits it's painful for owners to purge years of memories, but that “Emotionally, it is not your house anymore once you put it on the market,” he said.

   "Mildew, mold, pets and cigarettes"..."Don’t forget the buyer’s nose. Smells can be critical", advises Jill Dunbar from Century 21 Albertson in Greenport. Dunbar says that some smokers, for example, "refuse to give up smoking in their homes", but says that "it’s the only cure".

   Internally and structurally, McCarthy suggests you make repairs, and that "What might seem like a small repair to a homeowner can represent a huge burden to a buyer". Some of his tips, which the owner might walk by every day, are the "missing trim around a door, a chipped countertop or peeling paint". As a final caveat, he warns that, "loud or particularly bold colors and paint can scare off some buyers".

   Do you think if these tips were implemented, we would see a spike in Home Sales? Perhaps...why not give it a shot !?!

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Have a Great Weekend, and Happy Rent-to-Owning !
Rob Eisenstein
HomeRun Homes Blog: http://blogging.lease2buy.com
HomeRun Homes Websites: http://www.lease2buy.com and http://www.homerunhomes.com

TAGS: #housingmarket #repair #paint #Realtors #NAR

June 30, 2011

Was The Increase In Pending Homes Sales A Surprise?

Hi Folks,

   Glad we could all get together again this Friday...the first day of July !

   Well, the figures were just released for Pending Homes Sales, "A forward-looking indicator based on contract signings" (per the National Association of Realtors®, or NAR), and per the NAR, "Pending home sales rose strongly in May with all regions experiencing gains from a year ago, pointing to higher housing activity in the second half of the year". To be exact, the numbers rose 8.2% from April, and 13.4% from May 2010. Was this a surprise, or was it expected...and what does it really mean?

   "Of course these figures were expected", says Galen Ward, CEO of Estately.com. Jim Kinney, a Vice President of Luxury Home Sales with Baird Warner says that the uptick in the pending numbers, "was no surprise to us as this is the prime seasonality to see an upturn--no upturn in May would be indeed very glum.". "Mays sales numbers are only representative of the "national market" (if there is such a thing) and we all now that real estate is local", per Greg Cook, a First Time Home Buyer Specialist".

   Ward says that the "The First-Time Homebuyer Credit" expired on April 30 of last year, so, "most buyers scrambled to get their offers in prior to May 1.", and Cook says that until we, "move beyond the inflated sales numbers of last years first time home buyer tax credit, we cant really tell if were better or worse year-over-year.", and adds that, "Once we move beyond those numbers (after June) the comparisons become more relevant and we might have a clearer picture of the health of our market."

   Ward extends this and adds the following comment; "Saying this year-over-year comparison is a signal of a rebounding market is akin to rewarding yourself for weighing less this May than you did last year when you were nine months pregnant."

   What does this mean? Where do we go from here?

   Lawrence Yun, NAR chief economist, said, “If banks would simply return to normal sound underwriting standards and begin lending to more creditworthy borrowers, we’d get a much faster recovery in the housing sector.”, and cautioned that job creation is critical to a solid recovery, since, "The job market has sputtered recently, and because variations in local job creation impact housing demand, markets will recover unevenly around the country".

   What are your thoughts? Is a key piece of the puzzle beyond job creation missing?

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Have a Great Weekend, and Happy Rent-to-Owning !
Rob Eisenstein
HomeRun Homes Blog: http://blogging.lease2buy.com
HomeRun Homes Websites: http://www.lease2buy.com and http://www.homerunhomes.com

TAGS: #PendingHomesSales #Realtor #NAR #jobmarket #realestate

June 23, 2011

5 Rules and 8 Factors

Hi Folks,
   The "Dog Days" of Summer are upon us, and the humidity is coming (take cover !!). Some folks might look at the odd title of this story and scratch their head, but I will explain.

   There were two very recent stories that intertwined quite well, regarding the new playing field of Real Estate, coupled with some old-school things that should not be overlooked.

   In the story, "5 New Rules of Real Estate", by Ilyce Glink for CBS MoneyWatch and on Yahoo Real Estate, the Author names these rules as follows: "R.I.P., Big Housing Price Jumps", "Mortgage Lenders: Just Not That into You", "The Best Deals Are in New Places", "Investing? Focus on Income", and "Time to Think Medium Term ... at Minimum". In summary, the days of huge jumps in prices are gone, lenders are lending in super-risk -averse mode, properties in areas that are not overloaded with foreclosures will be good deals, buy and rent some foreclosure properties for income, and a 7-10 year plan is important when buying a property in this market.

   The other story, "8 Factors That Devalue a Good Home", written by Janet Fowler, and which appeared in the Yahoo Financially Fit section, brings up some important points for sellers looking to get out from under their home. As mentioned by Glink, "Homeowners are desperate for the housing market to rebound -- especially the more than 25 percent who are underwater with their homes".

   Fowler mentioned the old "Location" adage, warns about "Good Renovations Gone Bad" (shoddy DIY work), overly creative customization (pink walls?), and unappealing curb appeal (keep the outside of the home neat!). Rounding out the 8 factors are, "Pets Gone Wild" (carpet damage, etc), "Not-So-Nice Neighborhood" (Crime), a Sinister Reputation (a murder in the house), or, "Frightful Foreclosures". This last one is really important, especially in today's housing market. As Fowler says, "Many buyers are leery of purchasing foreclosures that are being sold on an "as-is" basis.", and she adds that the fear is that, "the home could be a money pit or require a huge amount of repairs before being move-in ready.". She advises that it is crucial that you get a home inspection so that you know, "exactly what you're getting into."

   Glink comments that she does not believe there has ever, "been a better time to buy a home" saying that 30-year fixed-rate mortgages, "can be had for less than 5 percent". She also says that it seems, "everyone wants the real estate market to get better", including those hit the hardest...Realtors, Builders, Appraisers, and Homeowners themselves.

   What are your thoughts on these suggestions and overviews?

Have a Great Weekend, and Happy Rent-to-Owning !
Rob Eisenstein
HomeRun Homes Blog http://blogging.lease2buy.com
HomeRun Homes Website http://www.lease2buy.com

TAGS: #realestate #mortgagelender #foreclosureproperties #realtor #builder #appraiser

April 29, 2011

The Bearer of Good Economic News?

Hi Folks,

   Glad to have you with us, and even happier to report some positive news in Housing Market !

   This week, the National Association of Realtors released their Pending Home Sales Index, and with these numbers, we see that March had another increase in pending home sales ("The data reflects contracts but not closings, which normally occur with a lag time of one or two months.", says the National Association of Realtors). Overall the indicator rose 5.1% from February, but was down 11.4% from March of 2010.

   Keep up the good work. Real Estate is still an incredible investment, and when done properly and ethically, it stokes the progress and expansion of our towns, neighborhoods, and affects all of our lives.

Comments? Suggestions? Please share with us.

Have a Great Weekend, and Happy Rent-to-Owning !
Rob Eisenstein
HomeRun Homes Blog http://blogging.lease2buy.com
HomeRun Homes Website http://www.lease2buy.com

January 24, 2011

Running Out of Homebuyers? Are We Really?

Hi Everyone,

   Welcome back and hope you had a great weekend. This is a pretty big week, with four major housing indicators that are due to be released, which are as follows:

* 1/25 (Tuesday) 9:00 AM: S&P/Case-Shiller Home Prices
* 1/25 (Tuesday) 10:00 AM: FHFA Monthly House Price Index
* 1/26 (Wednesday) 10:00 AM: New Residential Sales
* 1/27 (Thursday) 10:00 AM: Pending Home Sales Index

   We'd like to thank everyone for their fantastic feedback regarding our Blog Post from Friday January 21st, titled, "A Funny Thing Happened on The Way to a Real Estate Deal". As we have mentioned to several of you, we will be planning a new edition of that story line with all new "Funny Real Estate Stories" (we are accepting submissions via E-mail)

   I came across a very interesting story to share with you, and the title really grabbed my attention; "The Eight States Running Out of Homebuyers". In this 24/7 Wall St article (written by Douglas A. McIntyre, Michael B. Sauter and Charles B. Stockdale), the authors state that, "The devastation in some regions will never be repaired.", and they point to population desertion, jobless rates, and the eventual possibility that, "Some homes will be torn down in these pockets of high foreclosures in the hopes that reducing supplies will boost prices."

   The states listed in this article were Michigan, Nevada, Arizona, California, Illinois, Georgia, Oregon, and Florida, and in the article, the full breakdown of each state along with the sources for the data are provided.

   This is indeed a very frightening and an eye-opening story. It is also a sad story to hear of towns literally "dying".

   Do you live in any of the states mentioned? If so, what is your take on this story? We'd love to hear an inside scoop from Realtors, investors, homeowners, and home buyers.

Have a Great Week, and Happy Rent-to-Owning !
Rob Eisenstein
HomeRun Homes Blog http://blogging.lease2buy.com
HomeRun Homes Website http://www.lease2buy.com

TAGS: #homeprices #realestate #realtor

November 8, 2010

Depressed Home Sales and Housing Slump Acting Like a Prison

Good Morning,

   Hope you had a nice weekend. To those of you who ran the marathon in NYC this past weekend, that is incredible. That is the ultimate definition of pushing your body to the upper limits of it's potential.

   On that note, we all wish that the housing market would push itself to the upper limits of it's potential as well, however, with the Pending Home Sales Index numbers that came out last Friday, don't hold your breath. The National Association of Realtors said, "Pending home sales retreated after two monthly gains, signaling an uneven recovery entering 2011 with some near-term disruptions from the foreclosure moratorium". Troubles abound.

   "The depressed real estate market is having another effect", writes David Schepp from AOL Finance, in an article titled, "Housing's Slump Is Keeping Job Seekers Stuck in Place". Schepp notes that it's become, "more difficult, if not impossible, for workers to relocate to take new jobs. The percentage of unemployed managers and executives relocating for new positions fell to a record low in the third quarter, according to analysis by Challenger, Gray & Christmas, a Chicago-based employment-services firm." This is an interesting angle that is not in the forefront of our minds, but it is just another casualty of the housing/economic slump. It's like a virtual "prison".

   For the remainder of the economy, there are no major housing-related numbers coming out this week, and depending on how you look at it, that might be good !

   Have You read the "Secrets of Rent to Own" (The manual on how to buy or sell via Rent to Own), or, "Will It Work In My Town?" (The Real Estate Investing Guidebook)? If not, it's worth noting that if you purchase either of those books, you will receive the other one for free. To learn more about "Secrets of Rent to Own", Read More Here, and to learn more about "Will It Work In My Town?", Read More Here.

Have a Great Day, and Happy Rent-to-Owning !
HomeRun Homes Blog http://blogging.lease2buy.com
HomeRun Homes Website http://www.lease2buy.com

October 4, 2010

Homes Sales Up, and Addressing a Reader Question

Hi Folks,
   Hope you had a nice fall weekend.

   Hot off the Press: The National Association of Realtors (NAR) just released the latest data showing that "Home Sales are Up". Per the Realtor.org website, the Pending Home Sales Index rose 4.3 percent from July, "but is 20.1 percent below August 2009".

   Now, just to make you aware of what this really means; The data reflects the sales contracts (not the physical closings), so the buyer(s) still need to be approved for financing, however, that is a different index.

   Look, many moons ago when I was in the stock market, there was a saying that, "The Trend is Your Friend". I'm sticking by that!

   A few of our readers who have Ads on our site have asked how they can upgrade their Ad(s) to the top of the page ("TOP SPOT"). For example, if you have a home listed on the Florida Rent to Own Homes page, it is listed alphabetically by city. If you want the Ad to also appear on the top of the page in it's own box with extra images and space, you can log into your Control Panel (http://www.lease2buy.com/login.php), click "View Ads", and then you can select the Upgrade/Feature option.

   For those of you who like to "Go Big" from the start, you can skip all of that and create your Ad and upgrade it to the top of the state page ("TOP SPOT") via these links:

If you are Looking for a Rent to Own Home, create your "TOP SPOT" Ad here: http://www.lease2buy.com/top_homeswanted.php

If you are Selling a Rent to Own Home, create your "TOP SPOT" Ad here: http://www.lease2buy.com/top_homesavailable.php

   Please remember that due to the size of the upgraded Ad, we can only offer one per state page (so it is extremely limited, as you can imagine).

Have a Great Week, and Happy Rent-to-Owning !!

June 16, 2010

A Viable Option and Some Promotional News...

Happy Wednesday to Everyone,

Hope you're all having a great week.

I just returned back here after a meeting with a panel of Realtors (Agents and Brokers), along with a mix of people who are selling their homes. Surprise/Surprise; a majority of the homeowners have been just sitting on their properties, and some have engaged the services of these Realtors to help them along.

We were there, at the invitation of some good-hearted Realtors, in order to present the concept of Rent to Own, and to let them know it is a viable option. Realtors know that if they place their clients homes on our website, and there is movement, traffic, and offers on the property, they look like magicians, especially nowadays. Rent to Own is moving away from the title of a "creative real estate deal", and is becoming more of a mainstream option.

OK, website news: At your request, we have added the "Site Map" option back to the bottom of every page on our website. We apologize that is was removed, but it was only for a few days for some testing, and we thank those of you who notified us about this. Further, we are toying with the idea of mentioning some of the latest Rent to Own Home listings and Rent to Own Buyer listings in our Blog posts. Is that something that would interest you? Please let us know.

Please remember that for any 3-Month (or longer) "Home Available" Ad (if you're Selling a Rent to Own Home) or "Home Wanted" Ad (if you're buying a Rent to Own Home), you will receive a free copy of "Secrets of Rent to Own", which is a great guidebook for anyone buying or selling a Rent to Own Home (More info on this book here: Click Here).

In order to take advantage of this promo:
If you are Selling a Rent to Own Home, Click Here, and,
If you are Buying a Rent to Own Home, Click Here.
After checking-out, the book will be available for download upon log in.

Have a great day, and Happy Rent-to-Owning !!!