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November 16, 2014

New Epson Workforce 5690 Printer "WOWs" an IT Veteran.

Hi folks,
   I'm glad to be back with all of you here and I'm ecstatic about discussing the new Epson Workforce 5690 printer, along with all of it's new functionality that will make your life easier and your days more productive.

   The good folks at Epson, a long-term provider of our network peripherals (i.e. printers, faxes), has provided us with an excellent opportunity to test their newest Multifunction printer. Right out of the box, the Workforce 5690 is a sturdy machine, with a slick aero-dynamic design, as well as many goodies that even includes a QR Code Scanner, so let's examine this new printer's functionality, performance, and some cool new attributes.

   The Functionality: I must break the news to you!

   I need to let you know that if you like changing out inkjet printer carridges, the party ends here for you! For the rest of you, this behemoth uses huge ink bays that support ink cartridges that can print over 4,000 pages...Great job, guys!

   The Performance: Fast. How Fast? Very Fast!

   In using a standard ISO document, I ran tests vs. two new powerful laser-jet printers that I recently acquired, and in comparison, and the quality of the Workforce 5690 printouts far super-ceded the printouts of both of the laser-jet printers, regardless of whether I used standard paper or photo-quality paper. Printing speed was blindingly fast. With Epson's measurement of One-sided ISO print speeds of 20 ISO ppm (black) and 20 ISO ppm (color), along with Two-sided ISO print speeds of 11 ISO ppm (black) and 11 ISO ppm (color), this printer is a force to be reckoned with.

   New Technology: Good for your health?

   PrecisionCore chips are the new buzz-word, since Epson is moving away from the "old" thermal ink process towards a new process that is being driven by these new chips. These incredible chips can shoot over 40 million drops of ink per second. Epson claims the 5690 will consume substantially less energy vs competitive color laser jet printers, and that overall, its printers consume less power and produce fewer hazardous air particles. Yes, you heard that right: a printer that can be good for your health.

   I was very impressed by the new Workforce 5690 printer from Epson, and I feel that it is really a shot in the arm for the ink jet segment of the printer market. I was honored to evaluate this printer and I wish Epson much success with this sleek print-master!

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Have a Great Weekend, and Happy Rent-to-Owning !
Rob Eisenstein
HomeRun Homes - Rent to Own Homes, since 2002
"Located at the Corner of Technology and Real Estate"

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TAGS: #epson #printer #multifunction #precisioncore #inkjet