HomeRun Homes Rent to Own Homes Blog

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HomeRun Homes is a centralized marketplace which helps people Find or Sell a Rent to Own Home, both Nationwide and Globally to the thriving Rent to Own Market. http://www.lease2buy.com

August 9, 2011

Really? They Are Doing THAT To Foreclosures?

Hi Folks,
   Happy Wednesday to you.

   As some of you may be aware, when a person cannot afford their home, it's very easy for late payments to start accruing, and the bank letters come, and all of those other ugly things.

   Before that, a homeowner can try and bring their mortgage current, do a Rent to Own, along with a few other salvage techniques. Ultimately, they may decide to short sale the home, if the price of the home is less than the outstanding mortgage(s). Additionally, they can walk away, and the home will ultimately go into foreclosure. At this point, it remains on the bank's balance sheet as an REO (Real Estate Owned), and the bank uses agents to try and sell the homes to recoup something to cover the losses.

   But this raises the question...what about the "Orphans"...the homes that won't even sell at substantial discounts. What do the banks do with these homes? Bulldoze them!

   "Increasingly, it appears banks are turning to demolition teams instead of Realtors to rid them of their least valuable repossessed homes", which comes from an article aptly titled, "Bulldoze: The New Way To Foreclose", written by Stephen Gandel for Time.com. As Gandel writes, "There are nearly 1.7 million homes in the U.S. in some state of foreclosure.". Now, with the market laws of supply and demand, if there are too many homes on market, prices stay low. Gandel poses the question, "But what if some of those homes never hit the market."? This could be good for the market.

   Just recently, per the article, Bank of America (BofA) announced "plans to demolish 100 foreclosed homes in the Cleveland area.", and most of there homes, according to a BofA spokesman, are "worth less than $10,000". How many so far? Approximately 100 in Detroit, 150 in Chicago, and more cities slated by end of year. It's not just BofA...Fannie Mae, Wells Fargo, and JPMorgan Chase were also mentioned.

   Why is this good? Who does this help?

   It's good for the banks since they no longer need to pay tax and upkeep, writes Gandel. They might even get a write-off for the donations.

   It's good for the local governments since they have the land donated back to them, and they get to develop it or use it as open space,

   The story says that "Housing economists like these deals because they remove homes from the market that would otherwise sell for a low price or not at all", which would drop prices (supply/demand).

   Gandel writes; "we are at the point where banks would be better off knocking down houses that reselling them", and adds that this shows there is "still something very wrong with the housing market." I find it very encouraging that banks are thinking outside the box to stir things up. What do you think?

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Have a Great Week, and Happy Rent-to-Owning !

Rob Eisenstein
HomeRun Homes Blog: http://blogging.lease2buy.com
HomeRun Homes Websites: http://www.lease2buy.com and http://www.homerunhomes.com

TAGS: #REO #foreclosure #shortsale #renttoown #repossessedhomes #mortgage

August 7, 2011

The Housing Market Vortex Postpones Retirement Plans

Hi Everyone,

   Hope you had a peaceful weekend. I spent the weekend ridding our home of any last remaining strains of the Strep virus so that our son may safely come back home and not have to deal with the joyous illness.

   So many times, we have heard the old "Gold Watch" story, about people who stay at a company for most of their life, retire with the company, and get a gold watch and a big send-off. As times have changed, and as that has become a story of bygone days, the lofty cushion that home equity has provided for people at the age of retirement is (or already has) gone the same route.

   In a recent story in USA Today ("Loss of home equity downsizes retirement for many"), author Sandra Block quoted an AARP survey that found "Nearly 32% of adults over age 50 say their home has declined substantially in value over the past three years". Block also adds a very important, yet strikingly true, comment from Jay Butler, an associate professor of real estate at the W.P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University, who says that, "A lot of folks will postpone retirement."

   "Postpone Retirement?" Wow. It's amazing to even think about that after working hard your entire life !

   Looking even deeper into the ramifications, Block discusses health-care costs, which are quite expensive, as well as long-term expenses, which have been covered in retirement via the sale of a home with (substantial) home equity.

   The vortex and the fallout from the Housing Market is making retirement-age folks as well as younger homeowners re-evaluate their plans, and sadly, as Block says, it is "created a dilemma for seniors who are unable to live independently, or fear they will need help in the future". Some retirement communities (such as CCRCs - continuing care retirement communities), are emphasizing the "benefits of doubling up", says Block, which means that some centers are offering savings for sharing quites in the communities.

   The lesson we can learn from this is as follows: never take anything for granted, just as the "Gold Watch" story. Always make sure you have a contingency plan, and after that, make a contingency plan for your contingency plan...I am not kidding.

   What are your thoughts? Do you find this a frightening new reality of life?

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Have a Great Week, and Happy Rent-to-Owning !
Rob Eisenstein
HomeRun Homes Blog: http://blogging.lease2buy.com
HomeRun Homes Websites: http://www.lease2buy.com and http://www.homerunhomes.com

TAGS: #homeequity #retirement #AARP #CCRC #downsize

August 5, 2011

Short Sale Requirements For Sellers and Buyers

Hi Folks,

   My apologies for the late post, but I am recovering from a week filled with Strep throat and a high-fever. Thankfully, I have done a sizable amount of my homework upfront, and was able to get this out to you as quickly as humanly possible.

   A comprehensive discussion on the topic of short sales must straddle both sides of the transaction - both sellers and buyers. Today, we will look at some requirements of both sides of Short Sales.

   In a recent article by Greta Guest for the Detroit Free Press titled, "Shortsales, longwaits: Buyers and sellers find process frustrating", Guest says that what you need to qualify in terms of paperwork and forms can "vary by lender".

   The three things Guest says that a homeowner would need to qualify for a short sale (according to the Certified Distressed Property Expert website) are:

* To show Financial hardship: Prove that "there is a situation causing you to have trouble affording your mortgage."
* To show Monthly income shortfall: Prove to a lender that "you cannot afford, or soon will not be able to afford your mortgage."
* To show Insolvency: "The lender will want to see that you do not have significant liquid assets that would allow you to pay down your mortgage."

   Now, let's discuss what needs to be done for those buying a short-sale.

   Jan Green, a Realtor with RE/MAX Excalibur in Scottsdale, AZ, who has processed short sales both on the listing side and purchase side, says that she counsels the buyers about short sales first, and says, "make sure they are pre-qualified; and what their time frame for closing is; do they have a house to sell?".

   Joseph Lam, a Real Estate Broker and a short sale listing specialist with Keller Williams Realty in San Jose, CA, who has been guiding sellers and buyers to get the transaction thru (approved) by the short sale lender, says that "Like any buyer in today's market, the buyer needs to get pre-approved for a home loan first." Lam names one of the requirements as verification of the buyer's downpayment (bank statement, etc.).

   Robyn Love, an agent and an investor with IRCA, who has done short sales on her own and with another negotiation service, also concurs that the "Buyers need to have been qualified from a bank" along with a downpayment. Green, Lam, and Love all add that patience is golden. These deals can take time !

   On the patience factor, Love says that Short sales, "especially when first listed, take several months to be approved.", and when an offer comes, the bank, "may or may not take their offer if it is too low." Love also adds that sometimes "if the foreclosure is months away, the bank won't move fast.", but, "If it's around the corner, the approval is faster."

   Some tips for Buying a Short Sale:

   Love says that usually, the bank is looking to minimize their loss, so a "low ball offer with no low comps or repairs will most likely be rejected.". She also says that pictures of repairs and low comps "help the bank make a decision".

   Green advises that when purchasing a short sale, to "garner all information as to the likelihood of a short sale closing before even putting" a buyer in her car.

   Additionally, Green says that she also interviews the listing agent before showing a short sale, and she asks, "if he/she has collected financial data, hardship letter, has seller consulted an attorney and CPA, does the seller have a true hardship (they might just be "trying" a short sale). "...what is the listing agent's experience in short sales."

   In Summary, short sales are wild-cards for now, until real legislation actually sticks..and yes, "HAFA" (Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternatives), we are talking about you !!

   Comments? Questions? Venting? (Venting allowed within respectable limits)

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Have a Great Weekend, and Happy Rent-to-Owning !
Rob Eisenstein
HomeRun Homes Blog: http://blogging.lease2buy.com
HomeRun Homes Websites: http://www.lease2buy.com and http://www.homerunhomes.com

TAGS: #ShortSale #foreclosure #HAFA #hardship #insolvency #homeowner #prequalified #downpayment #comps

August 2, 2011

Amazing! A Real Estate Investing Social Game

Hi Everyone,
   Hope your week is going well !
   Well, it had to happen. It was a matter of time.

   A Golden Idea...yes, I'm talking about a Real Estate Investing Video Game !

   "Commonwealth Bank’s Investorville... Build a property portfolio without spending a cent". This is how the product was introduced in a Press Release from Commonwealth Bank in Australia.

   The program, Investorville", is billed as an "online simulation tool for budding property investors" as per the Press Release, and it operates in a "social game-like environment that uses gameplay to simulate scenarios", as per the story titled, "CommBank releases investment game", written by Laura Parker for GameSpot AU on ZDNet.com.

   Investorville is the product of both Commonwealth Bank and creative agency BMF, and incorporates market insights from RP Data. The game "mimics reality to provide people with real-time exposure to the property market, allowing them to make more informed property decisions.", per the Release.

   The game was created for both Existing Homeowners and also for those who already own an investment property. The online site is designed to be as, "fun and engaging as it is educational and informative.", says the Release, and it permits users to simulate "ongoing costs, without ever putting any of their own capital at risk".

   How does it work?

   Parker describes it as follows: Users start by making an online profile with personal relevant information on current budgets and existing real estate investments. Users can then search for investment properties in suburbs across Australia based on their target price; after a property is found, users will have a simulated 15-year period in which they must set rent, decide when to repair or renovate, and deal with events such as changes in interest rates, pay increases or decreases and bad tenants. Users can also choose to purchase more properties as the simulation advances, based on how well their investment is going.

   Mark Murray, General Manager Commonwealth Bank Consumer Marketing, explained "the rationale behind the development of Investorville" in the Release as follows: “Making the leap from owning your own property to buying an investment property can seem quite daunting to a lot of people. Investorville helps to break down common misconceptions and show the practicalities of property investment.", and adds that the, "really beneficial part of Investorville is that users can, in the true sense of the term, try before they buy", since, "The properties and data are reflective of the Australian property market and the types of properties available”. Aaron Michie, Interactive Concepts Director at BMF (the creators of Investorville), says the following regarding Investorville; "Investorville combines sophisticated economic modelling and real market data with a simple user-friendly gameplay to give people realism and simplicity.”

   The first real estate-oriented application that was developed by the bank was the "Commonwealth Bank Property Guide iPhone App", which was launched in 2010, and it uses "augmented reality to overlay data and tools onto the phone’s screen, providing property information on almost any premises the phone is pointed at"

   Does anyone out there think there is a version for the Wii or Xbox on the horizon? As silly as it may be for me to admit, I think it is a very good possibility.

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Have a Great Week, and Happy Rent-to-Owning !
Rob Eisenstein
HomeRun Homes Blog: http://blogging.lease2buy.com
HomeRun Homes Websites: http://www.lease2buy.com and http://www.homerunhomes.com

TAGS: #RealEstateInvesting #socialgame #propertyinvestor #Australianproperty #iPhoneApp

July 31, 2011

Rent to Own, The Good vs. The Ugly

Hi Folks,

   Welcome back to our first post of AUGUST !
   WOW...you can almost feel the snow that's on it's way in the next few months.

   9 years of living and breathing Rent to Own, and can I share this with you? I have never seen such publicity regarding Rent to Own as I have seen over the past few months ! Most of it is good and promising, but there are always vultures and bad apples out there looking to take advantage of buyers and/or sellers in desperate situations.

   Let us take a look at the "BAD" (and the "Ugly").

   In a recent Press Release on Media-newswire.com, titled, "A Georgia man was sentenced to nearly six years in prison for his role in a mortgage fraud conspiracy", as the story says, a person from Georgia was allegedly involved in a scam involving "dozens of properties and $7.5 million in loans", as per Steven M. Dettelbach, United States Attorney for the Northern District of Ohio.

   The scam went as follows, per the article: the individual, "informed the straw buyers/investors that after he purchased these properties in their names, he would enter into a “rent-to-own” agreement with one of the individuals from the community with poor credit in order to help that individual improve his/her credit score by renting the property for a year.", and additionally, he "represented to the straw buyers/investors that he would collect the rent from these individuals as tenants in the properties, pay the mortgages and taxes for the properties, and maintain the properties for the straw buyers/investors for approximately a year, at the end of which time he would sell the property to the tenant after his/her credit score improved and the property would be transferred out of the straw buyer’s/investor’s name, according to court documents."

   Unfortunately, he "did not assist any individuals with poor credit, nor did he enter into any “rent-to-own” agreements.", but instead, he "conspired with" loan officers, "to prepare and submit fraudulent mortgage loan applications to various mortgage lenders knowing that they contained false information with regard to the straw buyers/investors in order to secure mortgage loans on the 48 properties, according to court documents.". Ultimately, he was sentenced to 69 months in prison.

   Now, that is the only negative story on my radar the past few months, aside from a Foreclosure Scam we discussed in a previous Blog Post ("Foreclosure Scam Alert Based On Phony Deeds")

   For the most part, Rent to Own has been represented in the Media as an opportunity for buyers, sellers, as well as entire Housing Markets and Nations to rebuild and prosper. With that, let us examine these positive stories (the "GOOD").

   Rent to Own has always been an important strategy to pull buyers with less than perfect credit into the market, as well as sellers who are stuck in a home or multiple homes. A recent story in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel titled, "Condo Living: Income Property", discussed a company in Milwaukee (Milwaukee Apartment Finders) that "offers its clients a rent-to-own option, which allows tenants who make an additional down payment when they sign the lease to apply a percentage of their rent to the purchase price of the condo unit.", which is a Rent to Own agreement. The story adds that at the end of the lease, "which is typically 12 months, tenants can opt to buy the unit or forfeit the down payment to the condo owner."

   Additionally, in a story by Luis Hernandez for the Visalia Times ("47-unit housing project OK'd by Tulare Planning Commission"), the story discusses the approval by the "Tulare Planning Commission" of a design for Aspen Court, "a 47-unit affordable-housing project in east Tulare — the first such development to receive city approval in several years." In the story, Consultant Tim Sciacqua (representing Kaweah Management), is quoted as saying that "Tule Vista, a rent-to-own single family housing project on E Street north of Bardsley Avenue, has 10 units ready to be rented out. The second project, Trails West at Cross Avenue and West Street, is about 10 months away from completion. Framing for the houses is up."

   The good stretches outside of our borders, as well.

   In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), two recent stories discussed Rent to Own in the Oil-rich nation. "The introduction of rent-to-own schemes may boost demand" for projects in Abu Dhabi, Jones Lang LaSalle said in a report released this week, noting that it expected other developers to follow the Sorouh model". This quote comes from the story written for the National.ae, titled, "1000 homes to boost sluggish sales market", which offers hope in boosting the market in that country. In a second story for the UAE, written by Parag Deulgaonkar for Emirates247.com ("Rents in older Abu Dhabi buildings fall 15% in Q2. Second half to see higher handover; prices not to recover before 2012"), the story says that, "The introduction of rent-to-own schemes may boost demand, but only a limited number of developers offering this option.". Once again, a beacon of hope for increasing demand and stoking the market.

   Buying a Home, Selling a Home, Renting a Home, OR Renting-to-Own a Home. These all require careful review and due-diligence before signing on the dotted line. Do not rush your decision, regardless of how dire your situation, as you could find yourself worse-off by ten-fold. Consult your attorney, title company, etc. These are major life decisions...

   Looking for your comments on this topic......starting now...

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Have a Great Week, and Happy Rent-to-Owning !
Rob Eisenstein
HomeRun Homes Blog: http://blogging.lease2buy.com
HomeRun Homes Websites: http://www.lease2buy.com and http://www.homerunhomes.com

TAGS: #renttoown #titlecompany #buyinghome #sellinghome #downpayment #UAE #mortgagefraud

July 28, 2011

Lengthy Short Sale Process a Painful Reality

Hi Folks,
   How is everyone today?

   The National Association of Realtors (NAR) just released their "Pending Home Sales Index" (PHSI) for June, which reflects "When the contract has been signed", but, "the transaction has not closed". The figures came in at 2.4% above May, and 19.8% above June 2010, with the biggest increases from May to June were in the South and the West,

   Now, if you were not aware, the PHSI is a "forward-looking indicator", which assumes about 2 months between the contract signing and the closing. The question this raises in my mind is the following; what about the lead time for short sales from contract to closing? These have been trending longer, and according to a recent story, "Short sales are among the most arduous real estate transactions, often taking six months or more to close -- if they get done at all".

   In the story written by Greta Guest for the Detroit Free Press, and titled, "Shortsales, longwaits: Buyers and sellers find process frustrating", Guest cites an agent in Oxford, Michigan, who worked on a short sale that stretched eight months. Michelle Chappell, an agent with Real Living John Burt Realty in Oxford, said that after the process which she called "heart-wrenching" for her buyers, she said, "This was the last one I sold. I said no more. I won't do it.". Chappell reflects a growing number of Realtors that are avoiding short sales because they can be so difficult, writes Guest (she aptly uses the term, "Short sale shy")

   Why such a long process?

   "Homes with more than one mortgage and mortgage insurance tend to take the longest", said Ellen Mahoney, president of Complete Title Services' loss mitigation division in Birmingham, Mich, writes Guest. She adds that a "growing reason short sale deals fall through or take longer" is because of mortgage insurance" purchased after the homeowner closes on the deal and the loan is later sold to other lenders and investors.".

   Other factors also contribute to the lengthy process, but ultimately, as Guest writes, "These kinds of delays mean buyers walk away because of the time and frustration involved."

   What do you think would trim down the time? Perhaps a standardized process (like the one the Government has tried to implement without success to this point, yet)?

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Have a Great Weekend, and Happy Rent-to-Owning !
Rob Eisenstein
HomeRun Homes Blog: http://blogging.lease2buy.com
HomeRun Homes Websites: http://www.lease2buy.com and http://www.homerunhomes.com

TAGS: #shortsales #lossmitigation #mortgageinsurance #realtor

July 26, 2011

Prices and Sales were Virtually "Boring"

Hi Folks,

   Welcome back.

   The figures just rolled out for the S-P/Case-Shiller Home Prices, which showed "a second consecutive month of increase in prices for the 10- and 20-City Composites" through May, and on an annual basis, the release stated that "Washington DC was the only MSA with a positive rate of change, up 1.3%.", and that "Minneapolis fared the worst posting a double-digit decline of 11.7%".

   Additionally, the New Residential Sales figures for June were released, and these pegged the market at 1% below May, but 1.6% above June 2010.

   Overall, the numbers didn't express anything more than perhaps a seasonal increase in the numbers and pricing. The Pending Home Sales will be released this Thursday, so hopefully, they will be a little more exciting than these figures.

Stay Tuned !

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Have a Great Week, and Happy Rent-to-Owning !
Rob Eisenstein
HomeRun Homes Blog: http://blogging.lease2buy.com
HomeRun Homes Websites: http://www.lease2buy.com and http://www.homerunhomes.com

TAGS: #homeprices #residentialsales #Washington #Minneapolis

July 24, 2011

Real Estate Is Still Our Sweetheart

Hi Folks,

   Let me start out by saying this: I am done with summer. The heat, the humidity, the sweat, and the drivers. The drivers? Yes, the people driving on the road with their windows open when the temps are 100 or above. Why? To save a negligible amount of money on gas? The problem with driving with your windows open with unbearable Dew Points is that people drive erratically. The humidity and the heat fry their brains, and they are all over the road. It's along the same lines as cell phones while driving, but it's just a different form of distraction (heat exhaustion), and wiping sweat off constantly. My rant is as follows: New laws for Driving While Sweating (DWS) - when temps are above 85 degrees, your windows must be closed. Tickets from the Police, unless you can prove your A/C doesn't work. OK, I had to share that.

   Now, let's discuss our topic; "Real Estate Is Still Our Sweetheart".

   For those of you aware of the website, Zillow.com, you might have heard that they just released an Initial Public Offering (IPO) on the stock market last week. In a story from the Associated Press that was featured on Boston.com, Zillow was described as a company founded in 2004, and "provides online listings for more than 100 million homes that are either for sale or for rent."

   The interesting thing in this story ("Real estate site Zillow jumps on IPO"), is that Zillow "has never made a profit". Adding to the story, it says that "Americans are buying homes at the weakest pace in 14 years".

   However, "Zillow’s shares tripled in their trading debut on the Nasdaq stock market.", the story says, and summarizes the event as follows: "The weak housing market did not hurt Zillow’s initial public offering.", adding that, "Investors set aside housing market doldrums and rushed to grab shares".

   So why is it our sweetheart? I'm not referring to myself, HomeRun Homes, or anyone specifically. I am referring to the collective market. Regardless of what has happened with Real Estate and the underwater mortgages and foreclosures, people are still "Bullish" on Real Estate. Perhaps it is buying on Emotion vs. Fundamentals? Either way, it is good news for Real estate and for our country.

   I know, as for myself, it makes me wonder if HomeRun Homes should go Public one day. For now, let us just focus on doing what we've been doing for the past 9 years.

   What do you think? Was this Real Estate IPO explosion just a wild aberration?

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Have a Great Week, and Happy Rent-to-Owning !
Rob Eisenstein
HomeRun Homes Blog: http://blogging.lease2buy.com
HomeRun Homes Websites: http://www.lease2buy.com and http://www.homerunhomes.com

TAGS: #realestate #zillow #IPO #homesforsale #homesforrent

July 21, 2011

Contract Cancellations A Factor in Home Sales Drop

Hi Folks,

   I'm honored to have you here with me today and always.

   This past week, the National Association of Realtors®, or NAR, released their June figures for Existing-Home Sales, which showed a decrease.

Let's take a quick look at the breakdown and then we'll discuss the factors involved:
  * From June 2010 - June 2011:
       The Northeast dropped 17% and the Midwest dropped 14%
  * Single-family home sales were stable, but the condo sector weakened.

Some other important details, per the NAR:
  * First-time buyers purchased 31 percent of homes in June (At 36% in May, and 43% in June 2010).
  * Investors accounted for 19 percent of purchase activity in June (Unchanged from May, and 13% in June 2010).

   Prices were up slightly, but Lawrence Yun, NAR chief economist, called it an "uneven recovery". NAR President Ron Phipps, broker-president of Phipps Realty in Warwick, R.I., went further, and added that home sales should be higher, saying, "With record high housing affordability conditions thus far in 2011, we’d normally expect to see stronger home sales”.

   What was a major factor?

   The NAR Press Release said that "Contract cancellations spiked unexpectedly", and according to Victor Benoun, President of The Mortgage Source, Inc., cancellations were up 16%., which is a "telling number".

Benoun explained that there are several factors for the spike in cancellations:
  * First, says Benoun, to some extent, "buyers remorse may set in"
     He says this could be related to costly repairs discovered during an inspection.
  * Another factor is financing.
     Benoun says that lenders have made borrowing more difficult
  * Benoun also points to Appraisals.
     He says "If the value comes in lower than sales price", it is another cause.
  * Finally, he points to employment (losing a job while applying for a home loan)

   However, as with all Economic numbers, they vary by location.

   "The national numbers show how local real estate truly is.", says Ken Anderson, President and Broker of Coldwell Banker Evergreen Olympic Realty. Anderson says that they are, "not seeing the higher cancellation rates reported in other parts of the country", and that buyers "are cancelling far fewer contracts than a year ago, when the stimulus created too much urgency".

   In spite of the market, there is hope. Anderson says, "Our home sales increased 11% from May to June. Buyers are recognizing the opportunities and are getting back into the market.". Benoun says that there is a "silver lining for those who have the desire and ability to purchase a home.", and adds that prices "have not been this low in a decade and mortgage rates are hovering at 30 year lows.

   Where do you think the market is headed? Since the jump in cancellations was unexpected, what other factors might also happen unexpectedly?

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Have a Great Weekend, and Happy Rent-to-Owning !
Rob Eisenstein
HomeRun Homes Blog: http://blogging.lease2buy.com
HomeRun Homes Websites: http://www.lease2buy.com and http://www.homerunhomes.com

TAGS: #ContractCancellations #HomeSales #ExistingHomeSales #NAR #recovery #housing

July 19, 2011

It's Our Birthday ! HomeRun Homes Celebrates 9 Years of Rent to Own Homes

Hi Folks,
   I hope your week has been kind to you, or at least so far.

   OK, I'm happy and I want to share this with you...
   It's Our Birthday !

   We are celebrating 9 years of Rent to Own Homes this month.

   We are about to break the news, but here is your exclusive look at our Press Release hitting the wires this week:

For Immediate Release:
HomeRun Homes
(631) 678-5298
(631) 574-2420

Rent to Own Homes Mega-Site Celebrates Their 9th Anniversary

Ronkonkoma, New York, July 20, 2011 - HomeRun Homes (www.Lease2Buy.com) is proudly celebrating their 9th anniversary, and is announcing substantial strides toward their goal of bringing the Rent to Own Option into the mainstream of Real Estate Transactions.

Bringing Rent to Own Into The Mainstream

It has been a very busy and eventful year for HomeRun Homes. Over the course of the past year, the company has achieved the Government-mandated PCI DSS Web Security Compliance Certification, they were accepted into the prestigious Building Trades Association (BTA), and they announced a Strategic Alliance with business documents mega-site, U.S. Legal Forms. Additionally, the company started donating services to the Wounded Warrior Homes Non-Profit Organization.

Over the first part of this year, the company purchased the HomeRunHomes.com Domain Name to co-exist with their Lease2Buy.com Domain Name. The CEO & Founder of the company, Robert Eisenstein, began offering Public Speaking Appearances, and was quoted as summarizing the previous year as, "gigantic leaps forward in making Rent to Own an option that should always be on the table for both Buyers and Sellers".

Bigger Steps In the Coming Year

Eisenstein and HomeRun Homes are mapping out another powerful year, with some very helpful new projects on their agenda. Some of these projects include; making a mobile-version of the website (for Androids, IPhones, IPads, etc), adding additional payment options for customer convenience, creating a video tutorial series for the website, and creating a page devoted to the listings (Ads) RSS feeds from the website.

The company is also looking to add more countries to cover multiple different emerging markets (South Africa, China, Russia), and they hope to make further alliances with non-profit organizations to assist them in meeting their goals. Eisenstein forecasts that with the further integration of Rent to Own as an option to buy or sell a home, "it could even stoke the fires of recovery in some languishing regional housing markets".

For additional information on the topic, "Rent to Own Homes Mega-Site Celebrates Their 9th Anniversary", please visit http://www.Lease2Buy.com


Founded in 2002, HomeRun Homes is a Centralized Marketplace which helps people Buy or Sell a Rent to Own Home, a Commercial Property, or to offer Home Services nationwide and globally to the thriving Rent to Own market

- END -

   Summary: 9 years in the books. Lots of people in their new homes as a result of our website, and a lot of people have been able to crawl out from under their hefty mortgages as a result of our website. That's what keeps me going !

   I would love to hear your thoughts, comments, and opinions!

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Have a Great Week, and Happy Rent-to-Owning !
Rob Eisenstein
HomeRun Homes Blog: http://blogging.lease2buy.com
HomeRun Homes Websites: http://www.lease2buy.com and http://www.homerunhomes.com

TAGS: #renttoown #RealEstate #HousingMarkets #homes #BuildingTrades #PCI #mobile #Android #Iphone #RSS #tutorial #speaking

July 17, 2011

More Real Estate Bubble Talk

Hi Folks,

   Hope you had a nice weekend, and I'm honored to have you back with me!

   Last week, we took a look at Canada and where it stands in terms of a Housing Bubble (Canadian Housing Bubble Or An Exception To The Rule) vs. our busted bubble. Today, let's expand our reach and look at a few countries around the globe to examine whether their Housing Bubble has burst yet.

   Any conversation about Real Estate and Housing would not be complete without discussing China. In a recent Investopedia story that was aptly named, "China's Real Estate Bubble", Arthur Pinkasovitch looked at the average home prices in 2007, which, "slipped from $221,900 to $219,000" and then had a "massive 21% drop over the next two years." In contract, the author said that Chinese real estate "maintained its value through the Great Recession as property values tripled between 2004 and 2009." However, he says that "major cracks are beginning to surface within the Chinese real estate market as speculation about the collapse of the bubble has started to emerge.", and points to a drop from "stable" to "negative" by Standard & Poor's ("in anticipation of a "sharp correction" for real estate prices. Analysts are forecasting that home prices will fall by 10% within the next year.")

   Pinkasovitch points to oversupply of residential and commercial real estate in the country, and says that in order to maintain GDP growth, "the Chinese government has continued to over invest in large infrastructure projects focused on real estate development. At an average wage of $7,400 people are neither able to purchase the basic $100,000 apartments units nor invest into small businesses around the new developments.", and names some cities with residential apartment occupancy rates of only 30%. On the Commercial Real Estate end, he discusses the "Great Mall of China" which, "contains 9.6 million square feet of floor space", but, "less than a dozen active shops remain in the mall".

   Additionally, the Author points to the following fact; "According to The Atlantic, residential housing investments contributes to 6% of GDP, the same level as U.S. real estate at the peak of the housing bubble". He also says that the current prices are too high, and that "property prices in major metropolitan areas have risen to unsustainable levels".

   Robert Rubin, Editor of Safe Money Products, corroborates this, and says that China is already full of "empty cities, malls, and airports. That’s why China may not be the place for long-term safe money, despite its boom.". Rubin says that Local governments around China formed “Local Government Funding Vehicles” (to lend money to developers), but says that the finances of these "unofficial banks" are off-record, and says that the government of China "recently estimated 26% of these loans are bad, and 50% will be repaid only with difficulty.". Rubin also says that the real estate bubble "may pop when its government raises interest rates to control inflation."

   Putting the China "Bubble" on hold for a moment, let's take a look at a few other countries.

   In the Middle East, and specifically in Saudi Arabia, "A leading Saudi architect has warned that the Kingdom’s ambitious housing programmes could be scuppered by a looming real-estate bubble", says an article in Construction Week, titled, "Kingdom faces real-estate bubble, says Saudi Diyar". "The real-estate sector is ridiculously overpriced; it is a bubble", says Saudi Diyar principal Hisham Malaika on an Arab News interview. Additionally, says the Diyar from the oil rich nation that seems to build endlessly, "The cost of real estate is over inflated, and it is prohibitive for real-estate developers to finance projects for low- and medium-income families".

   In Europe, the Bulgarian Real Estate Market will return to an uptrend imminently, says an article titled, "Limited Return' of Bulgarian Real Estate Market 'On the Way'" and the "Bulgaria Real Estate Report Q3 2011" of Business Monitor International (BMI). The report cites data that an "average of 1 550 property auctions took place a month in January and February 2011, compared with a monthly average of 750 in 2010."

   The story sums up the Bulgarian market and says that the market "has a long way to go to recover before BMI sees anything like the growth of the previous decade", and that "a fundamental improvement in Bulgaria's economy has yet to be seen that would prompt BMI to upgrade the report forecasts and therefore the 2011 real GDP growth expectation is left virtually unchanged".

   Although the countries discussed here appear to be at differing stages of Bubbles and recoveries, we live in a Global Economy, which is not a cliché. As Rubin points out regarding the Chinese market; "The great threat isn’t to China, but to the commodity producers around the world that feed Chinese construction. China is the largest commodity consumer in the world. If Chinese construction wanes, demand for commodities will plunge. Commodities, stocks of commodity producers, and currencies of commodity producing nations will all be hit hard." The ripple effects of each country ultimately effects all of us, either directly or indirectly.

   What are your thoughts on this story?

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Have a Great Week, and Happy Rent-to-Owning !
Rob Eisenstein
HomeRun Homes Blog: http://blogging.lease2buy.com
HomeRun Homes Websites: http://www.lease2buy.com and http://www.homerunhomes.com

TAGS: #Canada #ChinaRealEstate #HousingBubble #realestateprices #commercialrealestate #MiddleEast #SaudiArabia #Europe #Bulgaria #GDP

July 14, 2011

Rent To Own In Hong Kong?

Morning Folks,

   I'd like to wish everyone a Happy Half Day. "Half Day", you ask? Yes, since I admit that I am a "hater of Summer", from June 1 - the end of August is 92 days. Half way is July 16th (Saturday)...thus, "Happy Half Day".

   In previous discussions, we spoke about the Global spread of "Rent to Own" as am option to buy or sell a home. Rent to Own is gaining further popularity in the USA, Canada, Australia, the Philippines, and multiple different countries. As we spoke about in our post titled, "It's Still Rent to Own to Me", we touched on the different names that are used when discussing Rent to Own (Lease Option, Option to Buy, etc), but they are all roughly equivalent to the same arrangement.

   Now, let's add Hong Kong to the mix. In a recent story by Bonnie Chen in The Standard in Hong Kong ("Greenbelt conversion on cards in drive to boost flats"), Chen discusses a recent initiative to develop more residential space across the country. Part of this initiative involves a list of potential sites that needs to be submitted, "to the chief executive's office by September", "according to a source."

   The interesting fact here, is that the Chief Executive Donald Tsang Yam-kuen, in a speech last year, announced the "My Home Purchase Plan" (also known as rent-to-own), with the, "first 5,000 units to be completed by the Housing Society in 2013. ". This is just one piece of Rent to Own in that part of the world. China is an incredibly huge market, and one that we look forward to becoming an integral part of in the upcoming months.

   Regarding Rent to Own in China and the China Housing Market, we will be taking a closer look at these in a Blog Post in the next few weeks, so keep an eye on our Blog.

What are your thoughts on China and Rent to Own?
Happy Half Day !!

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Have a Great Week, and Happy Rent-to-Owning !
Rob Eisenstein
HomeRun Homes Blog: http://blogging.lease2buy.com
HomeRun Homes Websites: http://www.lease2buy.com and http://www.homerunhomes.com

TAGS: #renttoown #hongkong #china #australia #leaseoption

July 12, 2011

Canadian Housing Bubble Or An Exception To The Rule

Hi Folks,

   Happy Wednesday and glad to have you back.

   We live in a Global Economy that literally synchronizes over time, and the Economy of each country has an effect on the others. As a subset of the Economy of any given country, there exists the Housing/Real Estate Market. Today, I'd like to take a look at Canada, our Neighbors to the North. In future editions, we will look at other Countries as well.

   "Looking at Canada in general, I don't see any bubbles", says Colette Gerber, a Division Director for the Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver. "With respect to Vancouver", says Gerber, "real estate in this city is a hugely hot commodity." She admits that many people believe Vancouver "is a bubble waiting to pop", but she disagrees because, "Vancouver is geographically constrained with mountains and water preventing the city from being able to spread out. Vancouver continually ranks as one of the most desirable and most livable cities in the world. With a finite amount of land available and such a high demand to live in Vancouver, prices in this city will always rise."

   In Ontario (includes the Capital of Ottawa and the largest city of Toronto), Gerber says that, "housing will always be in demand because the majority of corporate offices are headquartered in that province."

   In terms of the province of Alberta, which encompasses the major cities of Calgary and Edmonton, Gerber says the major cities in Alberta "have seen an increase in activity as more jobs are made available in the province's main industry, the oil fields.", however, she points out that this "isn't a bubble", but it is "normal economic activity."

   In a recent article in the Calgary Herald, titled, "Calgary housing prices expected to rise", by Mario Toneguzzi, he author cites a housing price survey (The Royal LePage House Price Survey and Market Survey Forecast) that says "Calgary's residential real estate market has experienced a "modest" year-over-year decline but prices are expected to rise in the second half of the year, and adds from this report that, "detached bungalows have witnessed the largest year-over-year price decreases in the resale market", followed by standard two storey homes, and then standard condominiums.

   In a quote from the story in the Calgary Herald, Ted Zaharko, broker and owner of Royal LePage Foothills, stated that "Real estate activity in the Calgary market is down slightly year-over-year (and) at the moment there is not a sense of urgency to purchase", but, "With low interest rates, a strong economy and a healthy energy sector, Calgary's real estate market should start to pick up in the latter half of the year". Further, as Toneguzzi write, "According to Royal LePage, the average year-over-year house price in Calgary is forecast to climb 3.8 per cent in 2011, while sales are expected to decrease two per cent." The President of CREB, Sano Stante, said in the same article that, "Improved job prospects, combined with an increase in the number of people moving to Calgary, will give lift to our housing market for the remainder of this year and into the next."

   So, what can we summarize about the Canadian Housing "Bubble" (or lack thereof)?

   "Definitely no bubble for Canada as a whole, just regular economic cycles of supply and demand", says Gerber. Additionally, per Kelvin Mangaroo, President of RateSupermarket.ca; "The Canadian Housing Market did not take as much of a hit as the US did", and adds that, "house prices in Canada are now back up to pre-recession levels after only two years.".

   Mangaroo cautions that with Canadians taking on more debt and interest rates still at record low levels, "when rates do increase (which they ultimately will) many homeowners will feel the pinch and the Canadian Housing Market is bound to dip."

   Are you a Canadian Homeowner, Canadian Real Estate Investor, Agent, or a Canadian Real Estate professional? We'd love to hear your thoughts on the topic.

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Have a Great Week, and Happy Rent-to-Owning !
Rob Eisenstein
HomeRun Homes Blog: http://blogging.lease2buy.com
HomeRun Homes Websites: http://www.lease2buy.com and http://www.homerunhomes.com

TAGS: #CanadaRealEstate #HousingBubble #Vancouver #Ontario #Toronto #Alberta #Calgary #Edmonton

July 10, 2011

Foreclosure Scam Alert Based On Phony Deeds

Hi Folks,

   I love to bring you good news, but since that is not always possible, I at least want to bring you informative and helpful news. Today's topic skews in that direction, for sure !

   In a Story from the Associated Press that appeared on TheRepublic.com, titled, "NC officials say fake property claims flooding in on real estate caught in foreclosure crisis", an incredibly deceptive event has been occurring on a very consistent basis. Why do you need to be aware if you do not live in North Carolina? Read on...

   This red flag was raised by officials at Charlotte-area courthouses, as they have been seeing an "epidemic of frivolous paperwork filed by people claiming the right to seize foreclosed property.", with the bogus deeds being filed by people claiming to be part of a temple from a small religious sect.

   In one specific case, as reported by the Mecklenburg Times, two guys came to a home during a showing, showed a deed and said the Temple now owned the home, and per Detective Brian Keziah of the Union County Sheriff's Department, "They took over the house."

   Mecklenburg County's register of deeds, J. David Granberry, said at least 200 deeds and other documents filed in his office (in the name of the Temple) are "outright fraud.", and cautions that many times, the documents appear official and legitimate. Granberry and other officials added that as more homes go into foreclosure/vacated status, there is more opportunity for this type of fraud.

   Why did we tell you to read on if you do not live in the affected area? The story mentions the following: "Real estate agents in Virginia and police in California warn of similar incidents there.

   So now what?

   Granberry suggests that state law be changed to make it illegal to file worthless documents (including deeds which record the transfer of real estate ownership), and says, "We will still have to file (the deed), but they could be prosecuted".

   A small glimmer of hope in all of this is that the story says the police "aren't powerless", and the two men mentioned about that barged in on the showing were arrested. According to the article, one was charged with "breaking and entering, first-degree trespass, obtaining property by false pretenses and possession of stolen goods", and the other was charged with "breaking and entering and taking possession of a house without consent."

   Do you know of any other Scams that are worth mentioning to us, your fellow readers?

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Have a Great Week, and Happy Rent-to-Owning !
Rob Eisenstein
HomeRun Homes Blog: http://blogging.lease2buy.com
HomeRun Homes Websites: http://www.lease2buy.com and http://www.homerunhomes.com

TAGS: #ForeclosureScam #PhonyDeeds #Charlotte #NorthCarolina #foreclosedproperty

July 7, 2011

Mortgage Anyone? To Dream The Impossible Dream?

Hi Everyone,

   Welcome to another Sizzling Summer Friday!

   Unless you've been living under a rock for the past few years (or you just don't follow the Real Estate Lending market, but if you didn't, I guess you wouldn't be reading this), you know that mortgages and lending has been tight and more stringent as opposed to the pre-housing bubble days.

   In a recent CNN Money article from Les Christie ("Secrets to getting a mortgage with so-so credit"), Christie concurs and says that, "Getting a mortgage can be tough these days -- even people with near-perfect credit have been rejected for loans". Christie points to a conference in which Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke said lending standards for mortgages have tightened so considerably that "the bottom third of people who might have qualified for a prime mortgage in terms of, say, FICO scores a few years ago -- cannot qualify today."

   Is there money to lend? Christie quotes the acting commissioner for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Bob Ryan, who said that mortgage money "is flowing, it's stable, it's tightened from the boom years, but it's there.". "The belief is that you can't get a mortgage at all -- but you can," says Keith Gumbinger, of the mortgage information provider HSH Associates.".

   Christie writes about a loan officer who had a client with a 700 FICO a couple million dollars in assets, and he wanted to refinance. He was rejected! Apparently, his report showed an investment property he could not (housing bust), and had to do a short sale, and that blemish "resulted in an automatic rejection of his refinance application."

   So, are things really that bad?

   "Depends on who you ask", says Brian Willingham, a Loan Officer with FitzGerald Financial Group.

   "Lending has gotten a bad rap lately", adds Christopher A. Potter, a Loan Officer at GuardHill Financial.
   "Basically, these days you actually have to be able to afford what you want to buy (and disclose your true income on your tax returns).", says Willingham. Potter adds that now banks, "want to see that you can actually afford it. This is just common sense and will benefit all in the long run.". He also said that it's, "not that difficult assuming that you qualify.", and that people are so used to easy credit standards ("It used to be that all you needed was a pulse to get a loan.", adds Potter).

   Nicole Tucker, a Licensed Texas Real Estate Consultant, says that even though the requirements are tighter that several years ago, "it is not difficult to get a mortgage if a borrower has verifiable and steady employment and decent credit. You do not have to have stellar credit." Willingham continues this point, and agrees that for people with "sufficient, stable income it's a lot of paperwork but it's not "hard" to get a loan.", but adds that if your credit is "poor" and "you don't have a stable work history and stable income, it could be pretty difficult."

   So, on that note - less-than-stellar credit - is FHA still an option?

   In the article from Christie, he quotes Gumbinger as saying that "The FHA is just about as free and easy as it was in the go-go days,". Christie says that the standards are, "flexible and aimed at making mortgage borrowing easier, especially for working-class Americans.". Potter agrees, and says that the "FHA is extremely flexible with credit issues and there are plenty of lenders with "common sense underwriting". Melanie Roussell, a spokeswoman for the FHA, explained that "the agency is willing to overlook a blemish on a credit report -- even a big one -- if other factors are favorable", as written by Christie.

   Tips? Pointers?

   Paul McFadden of The Legacy Group, tells us that the most important thing is "to have all your documentation in order (income and asset information) along with a flexible attitude if letters of explanation need to be written." He summarizes the process as follows; "A borrower needs to work with a great team that would include a loan officer and possibly a realtor to make sure they are approved and their loan closes."

   Have you tried applying for a mortgage? Before or After the Housing Bubble? How was your experience?

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Have a Great Weekend, and Happy Rent-to-Owning !
Rob Eisenstein
HomeRun Homes Blog: http://blogging.lease2buy.com
HomeRun Homes Websites: http://www.lease2buy.com and http://www.homerunhomes.com

TAGS: #mortgage #loan #credit #refinance #FHA #FICO #HUD #LoanOfficer #RealEstate