HomeRun Homes Rent to Own Homes Blog

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HomeRun Homes is a centralized marketplace which helps people Find or Sell a Rent to Own Home, both Nationwide and Globally to the thriving Rent to Own Market. http://www.lease2buy.com
Showing posts with label foreclosure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label foreclosure. Show all posts

June 14, 2010

Foreclosure Prevention, Improved Housing Markets, Social Media Blog Updates...

Good Morning to All,

Glad to have you back here with us today ! I don't know how the weather has been where you are, but the humidity has been sky-high here on the East Coast, and it's not even summer (officially) yet, and if this is any indication of how this summer will be, then I'm ready for the Fall !

Today, I wanted to share two interesting pieces that crossed my desk; Once is concerning foreclosures, and the other one is a little more positive, and is regarding some housing markets that are showing improvement.

Let's first begin with the sour apple of the two: "Avoid foreclosure-prevention scams: 3 tips" (Source located at this link). Without regurgitating the entire article, the three tips for whom to avoid are summarized as follows; Those who "Ask for a fee in advance, Tell you they can guarantee foreclosure will stop, and Urge you to stop paying your mortgage and pay them instead".

These are great pieces of advice, but there are a few more that we would like to add, namely, when someone tells you that they are a member of XYZ Corporation, don't just take their word for it...do your due diligence. Investigate the company. Ask for a corporate phone number. Make sure they are for real, since it is your home that is on the line.

One other thing that you want to do is to have them lay out a plan in writing and on their corporate letterhead (for a corporation that you have already done your homework on from our previous tip listed above). Have them put everything in writing and get them to notarize it. If they falter or give you a difficult time with any requests that you may have, a red flag should go up. There are many hunters out there looking for "prey", or people who are in a very bad economic situation and are highly susceptible to any offers, good or bad. Keep your eyes and ears open, and make sure that you don't lose your home and any additional money you have to a scammer.

As for the Housing Markets that are showing improvement (Source located at this link), the top 5 are: Denver, Boston, St.Louis, Pittsburgh, and San Jose, California. Some of the factors that were used in building this list were home prices and bids placed on homes. The complete list of 20 of the improving housing markets is located at this link. Do you live in one of these cities? Have you sold a home in one of these areas, or have you been trying to sell a home or to rent to own a home? Please weigh in on this and let us know what your thoughts are.

We are happy to say that we are now saturating over 50 Social Media Sites with our Blog posts, so if you prefer to read our posts on your favorite site, we are already on most of the major sites. If there is a site that you would like us to update, check with us and if we are not updating it already, we will be glad to add it.

Stick with us. This is going to be an exciting week !
Have a great week, and Happy Rent-to-Owning !!

April 23, 2010

Special Offer, Social Media, Mobile, Home Prices...

Hi Everyone,
Happy Friday - we made it through another week!

It's been a busy week here, and we want to cover a few things, as well as announce a New SPECIAL OFFER, since the one from last week was a HUGE hit with everyone!

First off, some business:

We continued aggregating our site across the Social Media Aggregation sites to ensure our Blog reaches new visitors - in plain English - this means more and more visitors to your Ads - a very good thing !
Additionally, we continued developing StopForeclosureRenttoOwn.com, our newest venture, with the goal of reaching people in desperate need of housing!
Last but not least, we continued preparing our site for Mobile users - it's a huge project, since there are so many models of mobile devices, but very important!

Next - Upcoming Economic Events:

Tuesday 4/27 - S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Index:
Per Standard and Poors Site:
"The S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Indices measures the residential housing market, tracking changes in the value of the residential real estate market in 20 metropolitan regions across the United States."

Now - for the SPECIAL OFFER:

For Every Ad placed, whether it is a "Home Wanted", "Home Available", "Home Service", or "Commercial Property" Ad, you will receive a Free Copy of "SECRETS OF RENT TO OWN" (Click here for info on this book)

Now, normally, we only do this when you purchase an Ad of 3-Months or longer, however, just for today - that is until 12 Midnight EST today 4/23 - when you order ANY Ad (1 month and longer), you will receive a free copy of the Guide

Sounds Good?

OK, here's how this will work, step-by-step:

1. Place an Ad at one of these links (click on of the following links):
Looking for a Home? - "Home Wanted" Ad
Selling a Home? - "Home Available" Ad
Offering a Service? - "Home Service" Ad
Offering a Commercial Property? - "Commercial Property" Ad

2. Remember - the above pages will say you get the book for a 3-Month or longer Ad...This is a SPECIAL OFFER direct from management!

3. Once you have placed your order, send an E-mail to homebuyer@lease2buy.com with this subject:
"Ad Placed - Send me Secrets of Rent to Own"...we will verify, and then E-mail it to you immediately.

Remember - this is a SPECIAL OFFER to our members !

Thanks, have a great day, a great weekend, and Happy Rent-to-Owning !!

April 14, 2010

FHA, Rent to Own, Foreclosure...

Good Day Everyone,

Just wanted to say how amazed we are at all of the Scams taking place to beat people out of the $8,000 Tax Credit. We have seen and heard a lot of horror stories, so please, no matter how desperate you are to buy or sell, please be diligent in researching who you do business with.

Just a side note that we have launched a joint venture that offers help to people in foreclosure or who have gone through it, and cannot find a new home. It's a really bad position to be in, and there are way too many people there right now. They know that they have to stop foreclosure, but they also know that they need a new place. We felt that our Rent to Own website was not reaching more of these people in dire need, so we joint ventured to create www.StopForeclosureRenttoOwn.com (which is still being neatened up, appearance-wise), and have launched the site this week.

This is a two-fold benefit: It will help these people who are in trouble, and it will help you by bringing more traffic to your Ads.

Have a Great Day, and Happy Rent-to-Owning !

April 5, 2010

Return of the House Flippers, Secrets of Rent to Own, and more

Hi All,
Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend. For those of you in the Northeast, the weather was picture perfect, and might I add....finally !
OK, down to business: We have revamped a few of the E-Books ("Secrets of Rent to Own" and "Fighting Foreclosure"), and next, we will be focusing on the Real Estate Investors guide, "Will it Work in My Town?".

I came across an interesting story that I wanted to share, titles, "Return of the House Flippers", in Yahoo Finance (Located here: http://news.yahoo.com/s/bw/20100401/bs_bw/1015b4173024165587). It is quite an interesting article for those of you geared towards the investing side of Real Estate. Just to summarize, the article touches on the spark in foreclosure auctions, as well as the Federal Approvals that are involved in that sector. A very interesting, informative, and a very positive read. Be sure to check it out.

Have a great week, and Happy Rent-to-Owning !

February 7, 2010

Added New Advertising on our site

OK, so we saw a niche and filled it well! Seriously, though, we had tons of requests from cutomers who wanted a broader advertising spectrum on our site, so we started offering a granular approach, i.e. in Welcome E-mails, Renewal mails, in the Newsletter, etc.

So, for the full skinny on all the details, check out the "Breakthrough Approach Permits Granular Marketing to Home Rental Market" Press Release link at http://www.lease2buy.com/press.php

Cheers from your friendly Rent to Own Crew at HomeRun Homes (www.Lease2Buy.com)