HomeRun Homes Rent to Own Homes Blog

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HomeRun Homes is a centralized marketplace which helps people Find or Sell a Rent to Own Home, both Nationwide and Globally to the thriving Rent to Own Market. http://www.lease2buy.com
Showing posts with label price. Show all posts
Showing posts with label price. Show all posts

October 8, 2011

Evaluating Your Home For Sale

Good Morning,
   Happy Columbus Day to those of us residing in the USA. If you are lucky enough to have the day off from work, enjoy your day, and thanks to all for checking in with us.

   When you are selling Real Estate, whether it be your own home, or, the home of a client, it is important to take various factors into consideration, such as price, condition, and location.

   In regards to price, you will want to look at the most recent closed sales in your area (and the data must be less than six months old). You want to confirm that your price is right, no pun intended. As Chris Griffith recommends in her story, "Reevaluate your real estate to sell this season", on the Naples News website, you should also ask your real estate agent (or the agent you’re interviewing) to "list your real estate for an absorption rate", and that you'll want to check how much "inventory your home is competing with neighborhood wide or even in your home’s price range" (this should be checked periodically for any changes/adjustments).

   When it comes down to condition, the old adage of "you never get a second chance at a first impression" holds true here. As Griffith says, "There is little opportunity for a second chance to get them back through the door once they’ve been turned off by something negative", and calls it a "a downright shame" if it was a correctable negative condition like cleanliness or neatness that was toxic to your potential buyer. One interesting point Griffith makes is that sometimes, "homeowners are a little too close to the forest to see the trees", and need to take a long and hard look (or get a second opinion) about their home, the cleanliness, etc.

   Location, Location, Location. We've all heard that before when discussing Real Estate. Griffith suggests that you, "Compare apples to apples and be prepared to adjust the price to correct the differences", and provides the following example; "two nearly identical homes, one on a lake and one backing up to a sound wall next Interstate 75, sport very different values". Location "can influence buyers positively or negatively", adds Griffith.

   These 3 factors are a huge component of your potential sale. Can you think of anything additional? Perhaps the demeanor of the homeowner or the agent? The weather during an open house?

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Have a Great Week, and Happy Rent-to-Owning !
Rob Eisenstein
HomeRun Homes Blog: http://blogging.lease2buy.com
HomeRun Homes Websites: http://www.lease2buy.com and http://www.homerunhomes.com

TAGS: #sellingRealEstate #absorptionrate #inventory #closedsales #price #condition #location

December 15, 2010

Crazy Hazy Appraisal Madness

Hi Folks,
   Hope your week is coming along great, so far.

   Well, considering the fact that we put a man on the moon and that we have found cures to a vast amount of the illnesses that have plagued mankind, you would think we would have this appraisal thing licked by now, right? Well, not exactly !

   To bolster this argument, this morning, I read a story on Yahoo Finance about a couple that were looking to purchase a specific home, and who shelled out $1600 for 7 appraisals, each of which was different than the other...and some of them by substantial amounts. Ultimately, due to this fiasco, the couple wound up renting the home that they actually wanted to purchase, but could not due to the scattered and lower appraisal(s).

   Since a majority of the trades on the stock exchange are done via computer, isn't there a way to have a universally-accepted appraisal program that spits out a figure? Perhaps there can be 3 programs (as with credit scores/FICO), with a Low, Middle, and a High. In that case, lenders can choose to accept the middle price, an average, or some other computation. I realize that my Appraiser friends are turning bright red with anger, but it should be a system that is created, organized, and computed by Appraisers, and they would still need to go on-site to verify all features of the property.

   Please don't yell at me for this one...but I am a stickler for automating procedures to minimize variation and errors. What are your thoughts on this proposal?

Have a Great Day, and Happy Rent-to-Owning !
HomeRun Homes Blog http://blogging.lease2buy.com
HomeRun Homes Website http://www.lease2buy.com

Tags: #appraiser #appraisal #finance

October 29, 2010

Not-So-Spooky Housing Numbers

Good Morning,
   Once again, Friday is upon us, and I'm ready to trick-or-treat...well, not me, my son (and I normally collect 10% of candy off the Gross Candy Margin - the "GCM"). Sorry, I needed to start the day with a little bit of sweet humor. OK, enough puns.

   Now, speaking of margins and indices, I just wanted to recap a few news items that were released from mid-week up to now, since we already touched on the Existing Home Sales numbers this past Monday.

   The S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Indices were released, and it showed us that home prices slowed down in August, with a drop in the growth rates in 17 of the 20 large metropolitan areas that were covered, and 10 of the 20 city composites. Interestingly enough, the FHFA Monthly House Price Index reflected price increase of 0.4 percent from July to August.

   New Residential Sales numbers were also released, and they show a 6.6 percent increase over the revised August rate, however, substantially below September 2009 (to the tune of a 21.5 percent decrease). Comparing the August-September span for the New Residential Sales to the same period of time as the Existing Home Sales numbers from Monday (where the National Association of Realtors stated that, "Existing-home sales rose again in September, affirming that a sales recovery has begun".), things are looking up. Just don't pay attention to the last 12 months up to that period of time, since that will taint your happiness over this "housing recovery".

   Any comments? Questions? Concerns? Any specific topics you want to see covered in our Blog?

   Doing anything cool this Halloween weekend? If so, E-mail me with your exciting and scary plans for Halloween, and I'll send you a copy of "Secrets of Rent to Own". Over to you...

Have a Great Weekend, a Safe and Happy Halloween, and Happy Rent-to-Owning !

Robert Eisenstein
HomeRun Homes
Web: http://www.lease2buy.com
Blog: http://blogging.lease2buy.com
Public Speaking Appearances: http://www.lease2buy.com/speak.php
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/homerunhomes
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/homerunhomes

October 25, 2010

A Sales Recovery Has Begun

Hi Folks,

   Hope you had a great weekend.

   So, the word on the street, per the National Association of Realtors, is that, "Existing-home sales rose again in September, affirming that a sales recovery has begun". This was in response to the release of Existing Home Sales data for the month of September, which showed another strong gain.

   Additionally, as the jump was a double-digit one, with a 10% increase, it would certainly seem that there is a housing recovery.

   Please keep in mind that there are also some other important numbers coming out this week:
      Tues 10/26 9AM - S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Indices
      Tues 10/26 10AM - FHFA Monthly House Price Index
      Weds 10/26 10AM - New Residential Sales

Please stay tuned for more (good) news !

Have a Great Week, and Happy Rent-to-Owning !

May 21, 2010

Confusing Housing Market, Residential Sales, Prices, Mobile Devices...

Hi Everyone,

We have all made it through another exciting week, with traffic to our website up another 10% from last week, and Ad-responses have been gaining further momentum. This is great news for anyone who has an Ad on our website.

Well, if you've kept an eye on the news this week, you know that there have been several mixed signals from the market and the housing sector. We have heard that mortgage delinquencies were still happening at a rapid clip through the end of March, loan demands/requests from people looking to buy homes are at a 13-Year Low, and for the people who did seek Obama's Loan Modification HAMP program, an astonishing amount of them had their trial mortgages canceled...yes, you heard me right...canceled. True, there is a lot of uncertainty now, due to the expiration of the homebuyer tax credit (which expired on 4/30). This past week, an article on CNN was aptly named, "Housing market diagnosis: Bipolar".

OK, so doom and gloom. Is there a bright side? Of course there is. There are still options for homeowners who cannot find a loan the conventional way. The possibility always exists for you to negotiate a Rent to Own with a homeowner. Ask them. Inform them of how it works, and get your attorneys involved. Homeowners, please take note as well. If you're trying to sell your home, you might be going through potential buyers faster than a termite goes through wood. One after the other drops off since they cannot get a bank loan. Be creative and look into Rent to Own.

A few changes to the site this week, outside of what we mentioned earlier in the week. We have spruced up our "Top Spot" Featured Ad pages with some images of what an actual Top Spot promoted Ad will look like.

You can check out the page for upgrading a "Home Wanted" Ad here: http://www.lease2buy.com/top_homeswanted.php

You can check out the page for upgrading a "Home Available" Ad here: https://www.lease2buy.com/top_homesavailable.php

A look ahead to the economic news for next week shows us some very important numbers coming out: Existing-Home Sales. S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Indices, FHFA Quarterly House Price Index, and New Residential Sales. These numbers should set the tone for the summer months, and they are worth watching.

Looking ahead for our website, we will be working on "mobile-enabling" our site for the most popular mobile devices now, like the IPhone, Android, etc, and we'll keep you posted on how this is going. We have seen a significant increase in traffic to our site from Mobile Devices, and we want to capitalize on every potential buyer and seller...any one of them can be "the one" who can Rent to Own your home !!

We value your feedback; Please tell us what creative options you have been considering to buy or sell a home? Let us know

Have a Great Weekend, and Happy Rent-to-Owning !