Happy Friday, and welcome to the weekend.
It's been quite some time since we sprinkled a little bit of motivation on you, and it's sprinkling time !
I have personally received a large amount of communication over the past 8 years of running Lease2Buy.com, and a fair amount of it has been requests for advice on "how to make it" in the Real Estate business. The correct answer is that there is no one true answer.
Let me define that: Real Estate is broken down into so many small niches, that each one has it's own targets and methods. I don't want to get into each one of them, as that is outside the scope of this discussion, however, some examples are Real Estate Investing in Residential properties, Real Estate Investing in Commercial properties, Rent to Own, Short Sales, etc.
Now, as each of these segments can have their very own set of procedures you need to follow in order to "make it", there are two major over-riding themes (great personal traits) that you can follow, which will carry you towards your goals, and let's take a look at them here:
1. Honesty - As it is no surprise, you will not get anywhere without the grace of the masses, and the best way to receive that is by telling the truth. As sad as it is, there are a lot of bad apples who will try to deceive others, but that provides only a short time gain for them. Those who are honest will be the recipients of word-of-mouth business referrals, as well as the power of good karma.
2. Do What You Say - If you promise to make a call, attend a meeting, send an E-mail, or anything else along those lines, make sure you do it! We are truly as good as our word. For example, say a given person tells you they will send you a proposal, and it never arrives. They apologize and say that they will E-mail it within 30 minutes. After one hour, you still have not received it. What will you think about that person? It should begin to raise red flags. Don't let this happen to you - perform what you promise !
Remember, Honesty + Performance = Integrity. Integrity will allow you to propel yourself forward toward a successful career in Real Estate, and in actuality, any business endeavor in which you are involved. I will gladly speak further about this in front of any group that you believe needs to have this further defined in relation to Real Estate and Business in General (See Our Public Speaking Section).
Keep your head up, your words true, and do what you say !
Have a Great Weekend, and Happy Rent-to-Owning !
HomeRun Homes Blog http://blogging.lease2buy.com
HomeRun Homes Website http://www.lease2buy.com
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