HomeRun Homes Rent to Own Homes Blog

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HomeRun Homes is a centralized marketplace which helps people Find or Sell a Rent to Own Home, both Nationwide and Globally to the thriving Rent to Own Market. http://www.lease2buy.com

May 10, 2010

Silly Real Estate Sayings, Huge Traffic, Featured Ads...

Happy Monday to Everyone,

A taste of fall is in the air here on the East Coast, but as we all know...not for long!

We have a very exciting week ahead, as many of you who already have Ads on our website can imagine. We have had a humongous surge in traffic on the website over the past few days, and a lot of you have been deluged with responses to your Ads.

Please always respond to them as quickly as possible to show them you are serious, and that you want to rent to own your home or find a rent to own home fast ! With the end of the FHA Tax Credit, people are realizing the benefits of rent to own more and more each day.

Website tip of the week: With all of this huge additional traffic, this could be a great time to put your Ad on top of the State page where you have the Ad, so these visitors see you before anyone else! (We described this feature in detail in the following blog post: http://www.blogging.lease2buy.com/2010/04/lease2buycom-updates-featured-free.html

One of our customers suggested this to us over the weekend: "Get more Sellers selling lower priced properties.". The short answer is that we can't control the values of the properties that are posted on our site. Now, that being said, price is relative, and by that, I mean that a price that is high for one potential buyer might be just right for another. A quick glance through our site will show prices on the very low end numerically, on up to a few mega-mansions with high-end numbers. It's all a matter of taste and preference. A seller of a "low-priced property" may be in just as much of a need to sell their property as a seller with a "high-priced property". Again, "relative" sums it up.

Some food for thought on a very interesting article on Yahoo Finance, titled, "4 Biggest Lies in Real Estate". To summarize, they listed them as: Phony Photos and Videos, Valuations Lacking Value, Mortgage Rates You Can't Get, and Unreal Property Descriptions, plus, they also tossed in a "Euphemism Alert".

The interesting thing about the Euphemism alert is that all of you have probably read these types of Ad descriptions, for example, "Handyman's Special" (you have to gut the whole property first), and "Great View" (you'll break your neck twisting your head out the window to see the water). Some of these just go with the territory, and the old rule of "Caveat Emptor", or Buyer Beware, applies here.

Either way, this makes a great educational read for those of you on either side of the table, as a buyer or a seller.

We will check in with you during the week with more information.

Have a great day, and Happy Rent-to-Owning !

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